General Conference 1989

2 October 1989, Monday Evening!

General Conference: 30 September 1989 (Saturday), 1 October 1989 (Sunday)

In the October Ensign is an article that is asking people to write down special experiences they had with the Book of Mormon. Here is mine:

It was in Zurich, Switzerland where I was married (1948) and all of my seven children were born, that our house doctor said one say: "You need to go on vacation." That was in fall 1955 after our twins were 1 1/2 years old and our daughter was six, one son five and another son three! Five children within six years and all were healthy and happy, while the mother was tired and weak.

So, I did not want to go on vacation. My husband finally convinced me to go by saying that he would rather have me go for a while instead of losing me! So I went.

It was wonderful weather and the place I was sent was in the Swiss Alps, right below the Great Matterhorn.  When I stood at the front at that gigantic mountain, I was so overwhelmed that I literally cried. Even so, all the people in the Hostel were nice, the food was superb, the weather was excellent.  It was no vacation for me - I was homesick!

The first night my husband called, I told him, "I would like to come home." He said that he missed me too, but that I needed to stay at least for a little while. A nice couple took me under their "wings".  They invited me to go for walks, (I still have a picture of the lady and me), on one-day bus trips and excursions.  It was nice, but all my thoughts were will my husband and our children.  I was not happy without them!

The next time my husband called, I told him again, I would like to go home.  He said he would come to visit me and we would talk about it. Well, he came and I went home with him.

One our train ride homeward, my husband told me that two young men had come to the door and he invited them to come again when I was there. I responded with, "But I am sooo tired, I do not want to see anyone."  But, my curiosity was kindled and we decided to let them come just once to see what they had to say.

They came and brought two books, the Bible and the Book of Mormon!  As I was belonging to the Lutheran-Protestant Church, I had grown up with the Bible and knew it very well. The second book I Had never seen or heard of.  My husband was Catholic and knew the Bible a little bit, but the Book of Mormon was also unknown to him.

The senior missionary, Elder Hales, after their introduction at the door and our invitation to come in and take a seat at the table, put the two books on the table and said, "If you have a board and one nail is put through, you can turn the board all around easily." He held up the Bible, "But of you put two nails in to the board, you can not turn it anymore," And he held up the Book of Mormon. Then he told us that it is the stick of Joseph which is coming out of the dust.
